The Preplanned,
Full-Arch Restoration

Advanced Smile
Preplanned Bone Reduction/Osteotomy Guidance Abutment Placement/Prosthesis

CHROME GuidedSMILE was developed for dentists who desired a preplanned, predictable, guided All-On-X style surgery.

This amazing service delivers:
Anchored bite verification
Anchored bone reduction
Anchored bite drilling
Accurate anchored provisionalization
A method of transferring all surgical and restorative information for the final restorative conversion phase.

Most cases simply require a CT scan and traditional records.

The process, the product, the surgery is straightforward!

Complete Package

Pin Guide

Utilizes teeth or tissue to deliver the fixation base (CR/CO SLM)


Pin Guide is fully seated on the patients existing dentition. Once verified via the two occlusal windows, the horizontal sites are frilled and anchored. Anchor pins fully seated, verified and the guide is removed.


Pin Guide is a digital duplicate of the patient’s existing denture. This tissue-supported guide is inserted, patient closes, and the anchored sites are drilled, anchored, verified, and the guide is removed.

Fixation Base

Use for both bone reduction, anchoring the osteotomy guide and prothetic

Once the teeth are removed and tissue is flapped, the bone reduction guide is inserted, anchored, and bone is leveled to meet the labial and lingual frame of the guide . This guide floats above the bone, and therefore should not be impinged by undercut.

Osteotomy Guide

This guide is rigidly fixed with the pins, yet floats around the bone.

Standard protocols are followed to drill sites and place implants.


This guide is rigidly fixed with the pins, yet floats around the bone.

Superior to conventional denture pickup systems, this anchored GuidedSmiles nano-ceramic provisional transfers the CO/CR as determined by pre-surgical records. Implants abutment positions, anchored sites, tooth position, smile, and tissue space are all pre-set.

Rapid Appliance

The method of communicating GuidedSmile to the articulator for the final

Rapid Appliance is a special pick-up device, a clear duplicate of the PMMA. This allows the doctor to capture a second record to hold until final conversion. Once the patient is ready for the final, perform a pick-up impression, with tray adhesive on the tissue side, using medium PVS, send this pick up to TC and we will fabricate the final restored.

Experience the CHROME Difference

No binding & bending of plastic

CHROME Fixation Base create utilizing SLM technology

No more blind drilling

CHROME allows visualization of the drill as implants center the bone

No more lengthy conversion

GuideSMILE conversions take just minutes to perform

Complete confidence

Digital workflow and guided expertise is delivered by TC Dental Lab